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What Are The Most Popular Horse Barn Sizes?

August 10th, 2020 | 11 min. read

Courtney Moore

Courtney Moore

After working in the banking industry for 5 years after college, Courtney realized she needed a change and decided to pursue a new career path. Growing up she has always been creative and enjoyed writing, taking pictures, or painting. Now as the Marketing Content Creator for FBi Buildings, she gets to utilize her creative abilities in her everyday work. In her free time, you can find Courtney at home reading a book, partaking in any and all outdoor activities, or traveling and photographing her adventures. Courtney resides in Northwest Indiana with Lacey, her red tick coonhound.

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It can be challenging to envision a pole barn in your head and know what building size you need. 

Sure, it'd be helpful if our minds could calculate the specifications, but that’s one superpower we, unfortunately, weren’t given.

For starters, you must determine how your post frame building will serve you:

  1. Do you want to board your horses in a stall barn?
  2. Do you need an indoor riding arena where you can train?
  3. Do you need storage space for all of your riding equipment and horse tack?

Once you know the purpose of your horse barn, it’ll be easier to narrow down the options. There are numerous features to choose from, but selecting ones that align with your building needs will keep you under budget.

As a post frame builder with 60+ years of experience, we empathize with how daunting the designing phase can be. Luckily for you, we’ve seen it all and can point you in the right direction.

In the past, we’ve broken down the most popular residential pole barn sizes. Today, we’re detailing the most popular horse barn sizes to help you find the perfect fit for your hobby or operation.


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Which Type of Horse Barn Do You Want to Build?

Out of the different types of horse barns, which one best fits your vision?Legacy Ranch_Horse Barns_Riding Arena_800x500_5

  1. Stables and stall barns
  2. Indoor riding arenas
  3. One of the above with storage room for tack

Now that you know the style of your post frame building, the next step is to determine what needs to go inside.

Have you ever wondered if you could design your pole barn in 3D before making any commitments? 

Our Design Online Tool will help you visualize the exterior and interior of your equine facility. You can place horses, stalls, and hay bales to scale. No, we’re not horsing around.

Once you’re done designing your dream horse barn, you can submit your floor plan for a free estimate. From there, a member of our sales team will contact you with pricing information.

Next, we’ll take a look at the different types of horse barns and the most popular sizes requested by equine enthusiasts.




3 Types of Horse Barns & Most Popular Building Sizes

Michael Breining_Equine_800x500-81) Stables and Stall Barns

This type of post frame building is the most common building project among horse people.

Traditional stables and stall barns house horses out of the elements and provide them with a comfortable place to rest.

When determining pole barn size, you’ll need to consider the number of horse stalls needed.

Some riders compete in Western and English competitions, so they’ll typically have one horse for these events. Therefore, a smaller building might be the best answer.

Hobbyists may own a handful of horses to ride around their property, so they’ll want a bigger barn to comfortably house their horses.

Then, you have people who board horses for a living, and those facilities require a lot of space. Each horse needs its own stall, so we recommend planning for extra room.

Here are other equine building features to keep in mind:

  • Wash bay
  • Tack room
  • Feed area
  • Hay storage (keep separate from the actual barn)

If you run out of space, you can always add to your post frame building at a later date. Adding on extra square footage later on proves to be a more cost-effective solution than building brand new.


Most Popular Stable and Stall Barn Sizes:

1. 36’ x 48’ x 12’
2. 38’ x 64’ x 10’
3. 42’ x 56’ x 13’

Do you need design inspiration? Check out this custom stable barn with a lean-to porch in Champaign County (IL).


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2) Indoor Riding Arenas

Horse Barn with Indoor Riding Arena_2Indoor riding arenas are a popular option for riders who want to train despite the weather outside. 

This facility protects riders and their horses from the elements. They’ll never miss a day of practice because of rain or snow.

When building a pole barn with an indoor riding arena, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Will this area be utilized for Western and English riding styles?
  2. Do you plan to utilize this space for riding lessons and training? Or is it strictly leisure?

Furthermore, you need to consider the equipment needed. For example, Western includes rope, cut, and barrel race. Each sub-style requires plenty of room for setup and practice.

If English is more your riding style, you might partake in dressage or showjumping. It requires ample space for showcasing your horse showmanship.

Think about the days you spend riding – they can be long and tiresome, especially if you’re training for a competition. 

Taking breaks in between can be hard. Heading home isn’t ideal, so including an interior lounge in your building design can be extremely beneficial. 

An interior lounge with a view is the perfect spot for family and friends to watch you ride. You won’t have to worry about anyone getting trampled or spooking the animal.


Most Popular Indoor Riding Arena Sizes:

1. 60’ x 200’ x 16’
2. 68’ x 180’ x 16’
3. 80’ x 216’ x 20’

Check out this beautiful riding arena with an observation lounge in McHenry County (IL).

Fun Fact: This horse barn won first place in the equine division at the 2013 National Frame Builders Association (NFBA) Building of the Year Awards.


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3) Horse Barn Storage with a Tack Room

Horse Barn with Tack RoomOwning horses comes with a lot of tack, and you’ll need somewhere to store them. Examples include:

  • Bits
  • Breastplates
  • Bridles
  • Halters
  • Harnesses
  • Martingales
  • Reins
  • Saddles
  • Stirrups

You must accommodate each piece of tack and contemplate how it should be organized within your pole barn. The more horses you have, the more tack room you’ll need to make sure nothing gets tangled or lost.

Storage space isn’t entirely about your horse(s). Don’t forget about yourself and the items needed for a safe ride:

  • Helmet
  • Boots
  • Gloves
  • Chaps
  • Hat

Moreover, when your equipment isn’t being used in the riding arena, it needs to be put away. Barrels and fences aren’t compact, so you need to make sure your tack room is large enough to hold them.


Most Popular Pole Barn Storage and Tack Room Sizes:

1. 36’ x 48’ x 12’
2. 38’ x 64’ x 10’
3. 40’ x 56’ x 12’

For tack room inspiration, check out this two-stall horse barn located in Tippecanoe County (IN).


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Which Type of Horse Barn & Size Will You Build?

Jessica Shoughton_Equine_800x500_3Now that you know more about the different types of horse barns and their most popular sizes, do you know which one you’ll choose? Designing the perfect equine pole barn can be difficult, but it’s not impossible.

Are you interested in seeing floor plans? Download our FREE Horse Barn Plan Book. This detailed guide includes 20 different layouts, including stables and stall barns, riding arenas, and multi-purpose buildings

If a floor plan catches your eye, but you’d like to make a few tweaks, please let us know. All of our post frame structures are customizable. Our equine facilities are built around your specific needs.

Again, you can design your pole barn with our online 3D Design Tool. Save, print, or email your floor plan to family and friends.

Are you ready for a quote? Submit your building design to us, and a member of our sales team will give you a call to begin the estimating process.

No matter which style and size you decide to build, we’re confident you’ll enjoy your horse barn for many years. Just remember to always build with confidence.


Do you have more questions about horse barn sizing that are not covered in this article? If you need help designing and planning, please contact FBi Buildings at 800.552.2981 or click here to email us. If you're ready to get a price, click here to request a quote, and a member of our Customer Engagement Team will help you determine the next steps of your project.