The FBi Blog

Information that gives you insight into post-frame construction and in making your building project a success.

Posts | Building Tips

By: Angie Dobson
September 9th, 2019

After several months (or years) of kicking the idea around of building a pole barn, you’ve finally made the decision that you’re going to move forward with this long overdue project. You’ve spoken to friends who have a post frame building, you’ve done your research online, and you’ve probably even read Google reviews on who the best pole barn builders are. Your decisions have been narrowed down to the top three builders (in your opinion), and you want to do your due diligence and make sure you get an apples to apples quote comparison.

Posts | Building Tips | Residential Buildings | Building Design

By: Cori Lane
September 3rd, 2019

It’s safe to say that man caves and she sheds are in style. Unless you’ve been living underneath a rock for the last few years.

Building Maintenance | Posts | Videos | Building Tips | Repairs & Renovations

By: Angie Dobson
August 26th, 2019

Once your pole barn project is complete, it’s probably a relief. You spent months (or maybe years) designing the perfect post-frame building. Every detail was thoroughly considered, right down to the type of weathervane installed on your cupola.


By: Cori Lane
August 19th, 2019

Well, folks, summer is coming to an end. The warm weather is winding down. School is back in session. Department stores are gearing up for Halloween...or Christmas (because it’s never too early to get started on your shopping list). Your favorite primetime drama will soon be gracing your television screen. You can’t help but wonder, “Where did the time go?” Before you put away the pool floats and bust out the flannels/hoodies, let’s focus on one of the positives. This time of the year marks the beginning of the nation’s largest outdoor event – the Farm Progress Show.

Posts | Building Features

By: Angie Dobson
August 12th, 2019

If we told you that the small details take up the most time when planning the perfect post frame building design, would you believe us? Some of you might. Some of you might not. Let’s think about that statement for a minute. Think about all of the small details that go into planning a building. From color selections, window options added features like cupolas and weathervanes to overhangs and mansards. Are those things that you thought about before having a building constructed? Or, are those afterthoughts? My guess is it’s a good mixture of both.

Posts | Building Features | Comparisons

By: Cori Lane
August 5th, 2019

If you’re interested in building a pole barn, there’s a good chance that you’ve done a little research into price estimates. We shop around when purchasing a vehicle, house, insurance, schooling, television providers, etc. So, it only makes sense that you do the same for your post frame project.