The FBi Blog

Information that gives you insight into post-frame construction and in making your building project a success.

Posts | Residential Buildings

By: Angie Dobson
January 14th, 2019

Storage. Like it or not, it's something that we all need. If you’re like some, it’s something that we just have to have. Why? Because we are running out of space...and we have too much stuff. We never thought we would accumulate so much “junk” over the years but we have. Our house is full. Our closets are full. Our basements are full. Our attics are full. And guess what? We keep getting more stuff to add to the mix. And guess what? If you have kids or plan on having kids it doesn’t get any better. Kids want and require a lot of stuff. Granted, some of these items can stay in the house but what about the things you see yourself using frequently?


By: Angie Dobson
January 10th, 2019

Whether farming is your hobby or your business, we understand the many unique requirements of building a safe, efficient, and attractive post frame building. It all starts with proper site preparation, good planning, and intelligent design. The last thing that you want to have happen is to run out of space in your new farm shop because you built a building that was too small for your current and future needs. It’s not uncommon for that to happen and it’s our job to make sure that it doesn’t happen to you.

Posts | Farm Buildings

By: Angie Dobson
January 3rd, 2019

Farming for a living is anything but easy. It requires hard work, sacrifice, blood, sweat, tears, and dirt...lots of it. At the same time, it’s a beautiful and rewarding lifestyle. Often, you feel like you're taking a gamble. The markets can be unpredictable. No two years are the same, but that's the challenge you've accepted. Your story is no exception. Despite these obstacles, you’ve worked hard for your place. Also, you’ve made it work hard for you. We’re sure you’ve heard the saying, “It takes money to make money.” So, what would your next logical step be if (and when) your operation expanded?


By: Angie Dobson
December 18th, 2018

If you live in the Midwest (like we do), you never know what type of weather you’re going to get...especially in the winter months. Why? Because the winter weather here can be so unpredictable. One day it’s warm...the next day it’s rainy...and the next day? There’s so much snow on the ground that you’re stuck at home. For some people that’s probably an ideal situation to deal with, but for others they still have work that needs to be done. Maybe they have a long commute to work, or maybe their kids are on a two-hour delay and they need to drive them to school, or maybe they have stalls that need cleaned and hay that needs in their horse barn.

Building Maintenance | Posts | Videos | Building Features | Repairs & Renovations

By: Angie Dobson
December 12th, 2018

Your post-frame construction project is complete. The 80' x 120' farm shop is the perfect building size for storing heavy machinery (e.g., combine, tractor, planter, and skid steer). Fast forward to 15+ years worth of planting and harvesting seasons. Your post-frame building has worked hard for you, allowing you to move farm equipment in and out quickly.


By: Angie Dobson
December 6th, 2018

Your pole barn or post frame building is key to your operation. Your day-to-day activities happen in this building. Your future generations will be working in this building. Or maybe, if you’re in the commercial industry, your monthly income is dependent on this building. But, what happens when the building gets crowded? What happens when you realize that you’re running out of space? What happens when it finally hits you that this building just isn’t big enough?