The FBi Blog

Information that gives you insight into post-frame construction and in making your building project a success.

Cori Lane

Cori grew up on her family's small grain and livestock operation in Northwest Indiana. In 2018, she graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration & Marketing from Marian University Indianapolis. Having shown beef cattle for 12 years at the county, state, and national levels, Cori chose to pursue a career in agriculture. Today, she serves as the Marketing Content Creator on the FBi team. In her free time, Cori enjoys spending time with family and friends, watching sports, listening to live music, and traveling.

Building Tips | Structural Integrity | Repairs & Renovations

By: Cori Lane
January 3rd, 2022

One of the most integral components of your pole barn is the columns, commonly known as posts. They support the entire roof system and transfer all vertical loads (e.g., snow loads) to the foundation.


By: Cori Lane
December 28th, 2021

2021 was another big year for all of us. Due to your continued support, FBi Buildings was able to:

Posts | Cost

By: Cori Lane
December 6th, 2021

One of your objectives for 2022 is to build a pole barn. We fully support the “new year, new post-frame building” mindset.

Posts | Videos | Structural Integrity | Comparisons | Product Review

By: Cori Lane
November 22nd, 2021

Every post-frame builder wants you to purchase their product over the competition. It’s the nature of business. Their pole barns are superior in terms of structural integrity. They use higher-quality building materials that withstand the test of time. Their warranty covers more components for longer periods. Their construction crews are more efficient. You get the gist. As consumers, we hear these claims all the time. But, how do you know if their post-frame buildings are the best on the market? Do they have concrete evidence to back up such a bold statement?

Building Construction | Posts

By: Cori Lane
November 8th, 2021

As the holiday season approaches, global supply chains are once again making news headlines. These ongoing problems have led to good shortages and shipping delays across all industries, including post-frame. This article discusses how the “Great Supply Chain Disruption” (as coined by experts) affects pole barn construction and what FBi Buildings are doing to ensure our customers’ building needs are met heading into the new year.

Posts | Post Video | Building Tips

By: Cori Lane
October 18th, 2021

You recently decided to build a pole barn, which is exciting news, but you’re afraid that you’ve missed the window. Sure, post-frame construction is an outside profession, but it’s available year-round (even in the winter months).