The FBi Blog

Information that gives you insight into post-frame construction and in making your building project a success.

Posts | Building Features

By: Angie Dobson
October 15th, 2018

Helping farmers and agri-business owners determine the pole building that best meets their current and future needs is how FBi got its start back in 1958. Fast forward 60 years later, and FBi has built thousands of agricultural buildings throughout the Midwest. Each pole barn is unique to the farmer or business owner’s needs. Do you know what type of building needs would make your pole barn or post frame building work best for you? That’s where FBi can help you out. FBi’s in-house design team makes sure each structure is customized for the building owner.

Posts | Comparisons

By: Angie Dobson
October 1st, 2018

Congratulations! You’re finally living on your own in the “real world,” and you couldn’t be happier. You have the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want. It feels so good.

Building Construction | Customer Stories | Posts | Videos | Building Features | Comparisons | Commercial Buildings | Energy Efficiency | Building Design

By: Angie Dobson
September 28th, 2018

As an entrepreneur, have you ever found yourself in the following scenario? Business is booming (pro), but the current space no longer fulfills your needs (con). It’s an exciting time, but now you’re tasked with designing a new building. After much consideration, you’ve decided to expand your commercial operation. You keep going back and forth between a post frame and a steel frame building in your mind.

Posts | Post Frame Homes | Residential Buildings

By: Angie Dobson
September 24th, 2018

It’s a nice, sunny day and you find yourself driving down a country road. What do you see? Fields of corn. Pastures with cows. Post-frame sheds. A stick-built home is currently being constructed. Another stick-built home...or so you think. This building has multiple windows and a country red front door with a ‘Welcome’ sign hanging on the front. It’s nicely landscaped and the grass is freshly mowed. Could this be a pole barn home? The answer is yes.


By: Angie Dobson
September 20th, 2018

Our new and improved online design tool helps you take the guesswork out of choosing the right building size and location for your business, garage or farming operation. Not only are you able to design you own custom post frame building, you can also determine window and door placements and exterior finishing options.

Posts | Building Tips

By: Angie Dobson
September 18th, 2018

Have you been tossing around the idea of post frame construction? You know you need a new hobby barn or farm shop but maybe you’re waiting until the time is right (or the cash flow is on hand). Which isn’t a bad’s never good to rush something. I’m sure you’ve started doing (or have even completed) your research. Maybe you’re looking for a post frame company with years of experience, or maybe you want to find a company who’s part of the midwest.