The FBi Blog

Information that gives you insight into post-frame construction and in making your building project a success.

Posts | Residential Buildings

By: Courtney Moore
April 20th, 2020

One of the most challenging things to decide when constructing a pole barn is how big or small you want to build. You can look at post-frame galleries online all day to get an idea of what size you'll need, but that pole barn was custom-made for someone else's needs in mind. Figuring out the purpose of your post-frame building will help you determine what size your custom pole barn will need to be.

Posts | Building Design

By: Courtney Moore
April 13th, 2020

We all know that Midwest weather can be a little unpredictable. Our seasons are temperamental and can change in the blink of an eye, most of the time without warning. It’s not unusual to wear a winter jacket then change into shorts - on the same day.

Posts | Residential Buildings

By: Courtney Moore
April 6th, 2020

When you imagine a residential home, what exterior features pop in your head to describe it? Do you see a farmhouse in the country with board-and-batten siding and a large, wrap-around porch? Or, do you see a craftsman-style home at the end of a cul-de-sac with large columns, intricate details, and an eclectic color scheme?

Posts | News | Post Video

By: Courtney Moore
March 27th, 2020

As humans, we don’t do well with uncertainty. We are creatures of habit, and the majority of us thrive off of routine. Knowing what to expect means we are prepared for what we need to do, so when something comes along that throws a wrench in our plans, we don’t know how to act at first. But, like anything else, we learn to adapt. We do our research, then do even more research, and finally, start putting a plan of action together. Before we know it, we’re total experts on the topic, and we feel fully confident in handling the situation.

Posts | Building Tips | Farm Buildings

By: Courtney Moore
March 24th, 2020

Farming is a significant job and, depending on the classification of farming, can require a great deal of equipment and machinery. Farmers have combines, tillers, plows, tractors, balers, and planters - just to name a few. If you are a farmer or if you have ever been around these types of equipment, then you know they are definitely not small. The equipment and machinery in farming keep getting larger and larger, and the last thing you would want to happen is to run out of storage space.

Posts | Repairs & Renovations | Pole Barn Insurance

By: Cori Lane
March 16th, 2020

Pole barn damages come in all shapes and sizes. As a post-frame builder, we’ve seen and heard it all. Common examples include: