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COVID-19: The Effects on Pole Barn Construction

March 27th, 2020 | 6 min. read

Courtney Moore

Courtney Moore

After working in the banking industry for 5 years after college, Courtney realized she needed a change and decided to pursue a new career path. Growing up she has always been creative and enjoyed writing, taking pictures, or painting. Now as the Marketing Content Creator for FBi Buildings, she gets to utilize her creative abilities in her everyday work. In her free time, you can find Courtney at home reading a book, partaking in any and all outdoor activities, or traveling and photographing her adventures. Courtney resides in Northwest Indiana with Lacey, her red tick coonhound.

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As humans, we don’t do well with uncertainty. We are creatures of habit, and the majority of us thrive off of routine. Knowing what to expect means we are prepared for what we need to do, so when something comes along that throws a wrench in our plans, we don’t know how to act at first.

But, like anything else, we learn to adapt. We do our research, then do even more research, and finally, start putting a plan of action together. Before we know it, we’re total experts on the topic, and we feel fully confident in handling the situation.

Sanitizing LaptopCOVID-19, or coronavirus, is no different. It is a rather large wrench that has been thrown in the plans of everyone across the world, and it most definitely brought uncertainty with it. But, we will prevail as we have done in the past. 

Amid all this uncertainty, we want to do our best in clarifying any lingering questions about what is going on in the pole barn construction world. Can post frame construction continue during the quarantine period? Are crews still being sent to sites? What precautions are in place for this to happen?

What is our number one priority?

The health and safety of our customers and our employees. We highly encourage dutiful research on the actions presented by the CDC to ensure that health and safety are not jeopardized. We take these instructions to heart, and we hope you do, too.


Keep reading for additional information regarding COVID-19 and pole barn construction.


A Virus Brings a Change of Pace

Relax with DogFor the past two weeks, we have all been practicing social distancing. By staying home, we can flatten the curve by not affecting numerous people in the instance that might unknowingly be carrying the virus.

For the restless, adventurous, extroverts of the world, staying home is quite a big task to take on. However, this can be a blessing.

By staying home, we are forced to slow down. Instead of constantly being on the go and running on nearly empty tanks, we have been presented with an opportunity to take time to rejuvenate.

Staying home also means we have the ability to truly connect with our family. Homemade dinners are enjoyed with the whole family around the table, phone calls to loved ones are more intentional and meaningful, and a spike in creativity has led friends and family to imagine new ways to keep in touch.


What Happens When the Quarantine Novelty Starts to Wear Off?

We hate to admit it, but being quarantined for so long can make a person stir crazy. While we’re still appreciative of the time we have to spend with our family; sometimes a break is inevitable to keep the sanity alive.

Your kids are home from school much earlier than you anticipated, which means they have a few more months to wear your patience thin. Before you know it, you’re dreaming of a place where you can get away and focus on your own hobbies. Or, maybe you want a place for your kids to entertain themselves so they can work off some of that pent-up energy.

Perhaps you’ve dreamt of commercial space, but never found the time to get the ball rolling. Now is the perfect opportunity to put that dream onto paper and make it a reality.

A post frame building is a perfect solution to your dream you’ve been thinking about for so long. With all of this additional time, you can truly focus on the design and prep the area for construction. The question is, is pole barn construction still happening during the quarantine period?

The answer is yes!


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How Can Post Frame Construction Happen During Quarantine?

Construction has been deemed an essential job during this time, so thankfully, our crews are able to continue their work. We ensure that crew sizes are under ten so that we are still in compliance with the rules of the CDC during this time. As stated earlier, our primary focus is the health and safety of our customers and our employees, so we are taking the proper precautions to keep this priority in line.

Keep reading to learn how pole barn construction continues in states with shelter-in-place issued.


Post Frame Construction in Indiana and Illinois During COVID-19 

Indiana and Illinois have a “Stay At Home” act in place. However, this is only for personnel and business that are not deemed as “essential.” Construction happens to fall under essential work, so each of these states allow construction workers to travel to construction sites to work as usual.

Construction projects currently in the process can continue without restrictions, and new post frame building projects can also begin since the permitting office is still open.

Our Project Sales Consultants (PSC) are still able to meet with you on-site while respecting social distancing standards by staying six feet away and also not entering your house. You will still be able to walk through the building design with them so they can get the site plan drawn up for you.

If you are worried about meeting in person, don’t worry, we’ve thought ahead. You can give your PSC a call, and they’ll be able to go over the pole barn building design and site plan with you over the phone. If you want your post frame building entirely constructed by summer, now you won’t have to wait, and we can make that happen.

Pole Barn YardMaybe you find yourself unable to pull the trigger until you can receive further clarification on the route the coronavirus is going to take. We don’t blame you. However, the good news is the consultation and site planning is completely free. You can get all of this done now, so when you are ready to build and the time comes for post frame construction to begin, you will be way ahead of everyone else.

When the quarantine period comes to an end, all of that pent-up pole barn demand will come rushing in all at once. When this happens, you’ll be thankful you’re on step five of the construction phase instead of step one. This allows your project to get done weeks to months ahead of the rush.


Current Building Market Tips

1. Commodity Prices: Due to the coronavirus, commodity prices in lumber and steel have both dropped, which allows you to potentially get a better price on your project during the spring and summer months than you would by waiting until 2021.

2. Interest Rates: We have seen the government make some big moves on interest rates in the past two months. By making interest rates on loans at all-time lows, perhaps this would be a good time to invest in your business or projects that you have needed to get done.


Will You Use Your Quarantine Period to Design a Pole Barn?

Since pole barn construction has been deemed essential work, will you start planning and designing your future pole barn during this time? If you find yourself going stir crazy at home, consider looking at inspiration for your future post frame building. Before you know it, the quarantine will be lifted, and you’ll have a brand new pole barn to enjoy.

Most importantly, we encourage everyone to diligently follow the rules set in place by our government and the CDC. We hope and pray that you all, your families, and your communities stay healthy and safe during this time, and hope that we can all return to a sense of normalcy soon.



Do you have more questions about pole barn construction that are not covered in this article? If you need help designing and planning, please contact FBi Buildings at 800.552.2981 or click here to email us. If you're ready to get a price, click here to request a quote, and a member of our Customer Engagement Team will help you determine the next steps of your project.