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Can I Still Obtain My Pole Barn Permit During COVID-19?

May 11th, 2020 | 7 min. read

Courtney Moore

Courtney Moore

After working in the banking industry for 5 years after college, Courtney realized she needed a change and decided to pursue a new career path. Growing up she has always been creative and enjoyed writing, taking pictures, or painting. Now as the Marketing Content Creator for FBi Buildings, she gets to utilize her creative abilities in her everyday work. In her free time, you can find Courtney at home reading a book, partaking in any and all outdoor activities, or traveling and photographing her adventures. Courtney resides in Northwest Indiana with Lacey, her red tick coonhound.

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States are slowly beginning to open back up, allowing for businesses to operate at half and/or full capacity in phases. The uncertainty of not knowing what is open and what is closed can be a bit frustrating. Thankfully we have the resources readily available to get some insight on where everyone stands.

Building PermitWork in the post frame construction industry has been deemed essential since the quarantine period began. With the proper precautions in place, construction workers can continue building pole barns without restrictions. By following the recommendations and guidelines of the CDC, we can safely continue projects that were contracted before social distancing was set in place.

What’s even better news is that the necessary businesses we work with are open during this time, allowing for new post frame projects to begin. This includes permitting offices, which means you can still obtain a pole building permit during COVID-19.

If building a pole barn is part of your plans for this year, now is the time to get that project rolling. Steel and lumber commodity prices are at all-time lows, permitting offices are still accepting applications, and crews are ready to work. All you need now is a plan in mind for us to help you make a reality.

To read more of the logistics of permitting during COVID-19, continue reading the 4 key points below.


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What Do I Need to Know About Obtaining a Pole Barn Permit During COVID-19?

We want to ensure there is no uncertainty when it comes to beginning your new post frame project during this time. We understand there can be some confusion, so we want to do our best to clarify any lingering concerns you may have.

Below are the answers to some popular questions we have been receiving about pole barn permits during the quarantine period.


1. Which Permitting Offices are Open?

FBi Building’s core service areas are the states of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa.

Front DeskIf you are looking to build a new post frame building, you are still able to obtain the necessary documentation to get your project started, because permitting is authorized in each of these four states.

Since construction has been deemed essential during the quarantine period, the necessary businesses we work with have been considered essential as well, so construction can continue. Thankfully, with permitting offices open in all of our territories, new post frame projects will not be delayed because of permits not being able to be issued.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that rules of operation vary in each county and state. Some offices do not allow for you to meet in person, so you may be required to obtain a permit through email or a phone call. We encourage you to call your building permit office to see what their process looks like as each county can vary.


2. What if I Don’t Wish to Get My Pole Barn Permit In-Person?

If stepping foot into the permitting office is not something you are comfortable with, you don’t have to worry! Your request can be handled without you ever having to leave the comfort of your home.

Most offices are easing customer’s concerns by opting to work virtually. Instead of meeting in-person, applications can now be taken care of by email or a phone call.

Depending on your local building permit office, the process will look a little something like this:

  1. First, you will need to download the permit application, or request that the application be sent to you. Once you have everything filled out, you will turn the application back in so the staff can review it. They will look it over and inform you if they have any questions for you or need any additional information.
  2. PaperworkWhen you turn in your application, you will also need to turn in a site plan. This is required so the office can see the distance from your property line to the road and other utilities. If you need help obtaining a site plan, you can contact your FBi Building Project Sales Consultant (PSC), who will be happy to help you get one.
  3. Once you are approved for a permit, you will be informed of the cost of the permit. Payment can be taken over the phone by credit card, or you will have the option to mail in a check if you prefer that option instead.
  4. Once payment has been received, your building permit will be mailed directly to your place of residence.


3. I’m Having Trouble Pulling a Permit. Who Can Help Me With That?

Figuring out a new way of doing something can be a bit tricky. If you have concerns with pulling a permit or come across any issues during the process, your PSC is here to walk you through the process.

You won’t have to meet with your PSC in person, either. If you have any questions, you can just give us a call, and we’ll be happy to assist you in providing a site plan and answering any questions you may have.


Pole Barn Gallery_Pole Barn Pictures_FBi Buildings


4. I’m Running Into Delays. Is This Normal?

Unfortunately, yes, delays with permits being issued right now are typical.

LaptopWith a high volume of electronic submissions, most counties have a much slower turnaround time than usual. Permitting offices are learning to adjust to this new normal as well, and they’re trying to work as quickly and efficiently as possible to help keep things moving.

Variance hearings are also delayed, or in some cases, are entirely on hold, which is also normal to see during this time. While trying to keep social distancing standards in place and protect the health of their workers, zoning examiners might not be able to make it out to certain properties to examine the land.

Commercial projects may see the biggest delays when obtaining a permit. These projects might take longer as they require a more rigorous review process. Variance hearings for commercial projects are also being delayed, or are entirely on hold, so a longer time frame is to be expected here as well.

Delays vary by state and by county, so it’s hard to say at exactly what point in time things will pick back up.


Do You Have Additional Questions About Pole Barn Permits that We Haven’t Covered Yet?

We want to do our best to answer all of your questions about pole barn construction during COVID-19. We understand you probably have a lot, but the good news is we’re here to answer each question to the best of our knowledge.

We want our customers and employees to feel safe and stay healthy during this time, so we’re happy to know there are virtual options available for everyone. It’s important to us that the guidelines and recommendations of the CDC are being adhered to at all times.

Design Your Own - Option 3

If you’re still unsure about starting your post frame project, that’s okay. Now is an excellent time to search the internet for inspiration for your future pole barn. If you already have a plan in mind or have your design mapped out, you can always see what it virtually will look like by using our Design Online Tool. This will help you make the necessary tweaks needed to ensure your post frame building is precisely what you envisioned it would be.

Whether you need help pulling a permit or you have your permit on hand, and you’re ready to begin post frame construction, our experts are here to help. If there are any questions or concerns that arise, just give us a call, and we’ll be ready to assist in any way that we can.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and always remember to build with confidence.




Do you have more questions about obtaining permits during COVID-19 that are not covered in this article? If you need help designing and planning, please contact FBi Buildings at 800.552.2981 or click here to email us. If you're ready to get a price, click here to request a quote, and a member of our Customer Engagement Team will help you determine the next steps of your project.