The FBi Blog

7 Most Common Pole Barn Repairs

Written by Angie Dobson | Jun 3, 2019 2:00:00 PM

Once your post-frame construction project is complete, it’s probably a relief. You spent months or years designing your dream pole barn. Every detail was thoroughly considered, right down to the hardware on your walk door.

Your finished post-frame building is exposed to human activity and the elements daily. Unfortunately, pole barn damages will likely happen sooner or later – unless you’re lucky! However, most customers have been plagued by one or two building repairs.

This article discusses the seven most common pole barn repairs we fix as a post-frame builder.

7 Most Common Pole Barn Repairs

1) Storm Damage

The Midwest is well-known for its pop-up storms. While severe thunderstorms are common in the summer, a tornado can also rip through during mild winters

Hail and high winds can damage your metal roof, pole barn windows, sliding doors, and steel siding. In severe cases, the storm could cause a tree to collapse on top of your post-frame building.

Afterward, we recommend inspecting your pole barn to ensure the structural integrity isn’t jeopardized. The longer you prolong this critical inspection, the more building damage can occur.

2) Fire Damage

Sadly, a pole barn fire is an example of a disaster outside our control. 

The electrical wiring in your pole barn interior is faulty. The hay in your horse barn or cold storage building combusted on a hot summer day. Maybe you were burning brush in the backyard, and a breeze blew embers toward your hobby shop.

Whatever the cause, pole barn fires are a devastating loss. Once the initial shock wore off, would you know what to do? 

We recommend contacting a post-frame builder. Their Repair & Renovation Specialists will provide your pole barn insurance agent with a quote. The fewer hiccups during the claims process, the sooner a construction crew can fix your pole barn repairs.

3) Rotted Pole Barn Columns

This dreaded pole barn repair will happen, primarily if your post-frame building was constructed in the 1970s or 1980s.

Not to be confused with improper pole barn maintenance, rot is a fungus that flourishes in darkness, moisture, and oxygen.

Most of the microbial action takes place within 6” of ground level. When the solid post shows visible decay, it can dramatically affect the structural integrity and your bank account.

In the 1970s, wooden columns were soaked in creosote. This chemical made the solid post unsusceptible to rot but harmed the environment and water table.

Then, the post-frame construction industry transitioned to 6x6 treated columns. Unfortunately, the creosote didn’t soak through, causing rot issues. Eventually, the use of creosote stopped because of environmental problems.

Click here to learn how to prevent rotted pole barn columns and the cost of this repair project.

4) Sliding Door Adjustments

After years of being opened and closed, your sliding doors may need adjusting. Sometimes, this fix is simple enough to do on your own. So we created a short YouTube video explaining how to fix your pole barn sliding door in five steps.

A Repair & Renovation construction crew can replace your barn door if the damage is extensive. We recommend installing the EasyMotion sliding door by FBi Buildings. This exclusive door system was engineered with accessibility, strength, and aesthetics in mind.

5) Metal Roof Leaks

Arguably, the most annoying pole barn repair is a leaky roof. You wouldn’t install new metal roofing panels necessarily. But you may have to replace valuable items inside your post-frame building. Water damage is no joke!

The following occurrences can cause metal roof leaks:

In severe cases of metal roof leaks, rotted purlins must be replaced.

6) Accidental Damage

Accidents are going to happen. It doesn’t matter how cautious we try to be. At the end of the day, we’re human, and we make mistakes.

Did you mow too closely to your pole barn garage, and a rock dented your wainscoting? Or did you back into your overhead door?

Try not to beat yourself up. A Repair & Renovation construction crew knows how to fix these accidental mishaps. Your post-frame building will look good as new!

7) Pole Barn Renovations

Lastly, some customers prefer to renovate their post-frame building rather than build a brand-new one. It can be cheaper if you’re happy with the existing structure.

Popular pole barn renovation ideas include building additions, indoor basketball courts, interior finishes, replacing old metal panels, and switching color combinations.

We recommend a renovation project if you want to invest in your existing post-frame building. Of course, the pole barn structural components must be intact.

Do You Have Pole Barn Repairs?

Any type of pole barn damage can be upsetting. You put your heart, soul, and countless hours into the building design. Then, you paid thousands of dollars to make your dream a reality. Only to have an unexpected turn of events ruin its visual appeal.

Don’t spend too much time dwelling on the negative. Instead, it would be best if you focused on finding a post-frame builder who can repair or renovate your pole barn.

For more information, we recommend reading our “7 Tips to Help You Hire a Post-Frame Builder for Pole Barn Repairs.”

Are you ready for a quote? Our Repair & Renovation Specialists will provide a FREE estimate and help you rebuild with confidence. Best of all, it doesn’t matter who built the original pole barn!

Additional Resources:

5 Most Common Pole Barn Repairs in the Spring

Pole Barn Warranty: One That Can't Be Beat

What Should Your Pole Barn Warranty Cover?

Do you have more questions about pole barn repairs that are not covered in this article? If you need help designing and planning, please contact FBi Buildings at 800.552.2981 or click here to email us. If you are ready to get a price, click here to request a quote, and a member of our customer engagement team will help you determine the next steps of your project.